

  • Facilitate board activities, attend and chair weekly meetings.
  • Provide support for other board members and create a positive team atmosphere
  • Executive board member
  • Act as signing officer for all official corporate documents, records, and cheques.
  • Work daily with general manager regarding operations

Vice President

  • Act as supportive resource for house managers and work closely with MSC
  • Set the agenda and chair the Community Advisory Board (CAB) meeting 
  • Consult regularly with the President and the General Manager.
  •  Act as signing officer for all official corporate documents, records, and cheques.
  • Executive board member


  • Ensure effective communication within co-op and the community
  • Responsible for preparing board meeting minutes
  • Executive board member
  • Ensure distribution of weekly board e-mails, the Scoop, Bathroom Blurbs, and the Co-op Connect
  • Provide a vehicle for member feedback


  • Have thorough understanding of co-op’s finances
  • Report financial information to the board and the membership
  • Work closely with GM to develop annual budget
  • Executive board member
  • Approve member fee deferrals
  • Act as signing officer for all official corporate documents, records, and cheques.

Marketing Director

  • Responsible to ensure the Co-operative is doing its best to keep the room vacancies to a minimum
  • Must understand the strength in diversity in our organization
  • Work with the Members Service Co-ordinator to provide special application accommodations for international and graduate students
  • Reach out to all communities including but not limited to undergraduate, graduate students, international students, and students at Queen’s, R.M.C. and St. Lawrence College

Social Director

  • Monitor house hosted parties
  • Plan and coordinate special events such as semi-formals, Halloween and Valentine’s day parties, movie nights etc. to build Co-op spirit.

Ops Director

  • Organize and publicize opportunities for members to complete co-op ops hours such as community outreach projects
  • Responsible for recording all co-op ops hours completed by members and informing members of status of hour completion

Kitchen Director

  • Attend frequent meetings with the Kitchen Coordinator to discuss any problems and other issues with the kitchen. Discuss the fine allocation to members with the Kitchen Coordinator.
  • Report any one who has missed three or more Kitchen Duties to the Board for a membership review.
  • Monitor and promote the Kitchen committee meetings. These meetings should provide input to the Kitchen Coordinator on the rotating menu plan, food surveys, distribution, kitchen equipment, etc.
  • Conduct periodic surveys regarding the food service program focusing on meals.

Sustainability Director

  • Promote sustainability in the Co-operative
  • Each Co-op member needs to be made aware of the organization’s commitment to sustainability.
  • Educate, support, and supervise the house environmental officers in their efforts to reduce waste and utilities.
  • Co-ordinate group information sessions at least once per term with the house environmental officers.
  • Act as signing officer for all official corporate documents, records, and cheques.